Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A major backslide

Annnnd....we're back to losing weight. :(

Asher lost about a pound over the last month. I went out of town for a few days and since I returned, he seems to have lost interest in eating/drinking. He is having a swallow study done on June 10 to see if he is indeed aspirating. Since he hasn't gotten up to the recommended daily intake of fluids (goal-27 oz, Asher is at about 14-16oz) with using the thickeners, we are questioning their overall effectiveness.

If Asher's swallow study is inconclusive, he is being referred to a gastro-intenologist for some GI track testing.

Asher's dietician has switched him from pediasure/boost to what's called Neocate. Neocate is another weight gain agent but its molecules are already broken up (it's similar to Alimentum baby formula, but for older children). The thought is that perhaps Asher's stomach is unable to digest food very rapidly and this is why he is not eating/drinking much. The Neocate is $300 a case, but thankfully, we have samples first. He has had it for the last 16 or so hours and has had (TMI! TMI! TMI!) about 4 instances of mucousy diarrhea. I guess I know it's moving through him!

Mealtimes have gotten rather stressful and are not fun for anyone. BIG SIGH!
24 hour Meal Schedule:
May 19, 2009

refused cereal, banana
4 oz pediasure

refused cheese pizza, sandwich
4 oz pedialite

2 bites meatloaf (turkey) with ketchup
2 bites applesauce
refused mashed potatoes, peas
4 oz pediasure

¼ C raisin-choc. chip mix
3 oz pediasure

Asher had approximately 5 oz flavored water today.

On a brighter note, check out his new haircut in the picture!